No single piece of our mental world is to be hermetically sealed off from the rest, and there is not a square inch in the whole world domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry: “Mine!” Abraham Kuyper

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Global warming

Climate scientists say White House pressured them

Updated Tue. Jan. 30 2007 5:52 PM ET News Staff

U.S. scientists have been pressured to make their writings on global warming fit with the Bush administration's skepticism on the topic, a U.S. Congressional committee has been told.

Full details here.

[HT David Koyzis]

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Friday, January 05, 2007

Animal ethics

Animal ethics is a blog dedicated to philosophical discussion of the moral status of nonhuman animals. There are a number of links to related websites and a list of books on animal ethics.

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